Magazín CZEDMA


CZEDMA je zájmové sdružení právnických osob s názvem Česká asociace výrobců a dodavatelů diagnostik in vitro a bylo založeno jako právnická osoba dle §20f občanského zákona v březnu 2001. Je zapsáno v registru zájmových sdružení právnických osob, vedeného u odboru vnitřních věcí Úřadu městské části Praha 6, pod č.reg. ZS 40/1/01 ze dne 9.5.2001.


Úspěšné zakončení vývojového procesu budoucnosti zdravotních prostředků

Press Release
25 January 2010

Exploratory Process on The Future Of The Medical Devices Sector Concludes Successfully

The Exploratory Process on the Future of the Medical Devices Sector – launched by the European Commission in October 2009 – successfully concluded last Friday with the adoption of a final report that outlines the sector’s main public health challenges and makes suggestions for intensifying cooperation at European level in the years to come.

Brussels, 25 January 2010EDMA, the European Diagnostic Manufacturers Association, engaged actively in the Exploratory Process on the Future of the Medical Devices Sector by providing the European Commission with a detailed insight into the current challenges and activities of the In Vitro Diagnostics industry.

Bringing together more than 20 healthcare organisations, the Exploratory Process on the Future of the Medical Devices Sector was characterised by a high level of involvement from all participating partners who followed the invitation of the European Commission’s DG Enterprise to discuss key topics of interest and the future development of the sector.

Against the background of the recently announced transfer of the Medical Devices portfolio from DG Enterprise to DG SANCO, the final report of the Exploratory Process will also serve as basis for future cooperation with Commissioner-designate for Health and Consumer Policy, John Dalli.

EDMA Director General Christine Tarrajat welcomed the European Commission's constructive initiative to assess the main public health and industrial challenges that are currently being faced by the sector. “All IVD stakeholders including EDMA members will clearly benefit from the results of the Exploratory Process where the need of appropriate screening and early-diagnosis programmes was clearly recognised to improve patient outcomes and drive efficiency”, she commented.

Further information on the Exploratory process can be found at the Commission website.

EDMA, the European Diagnostic Manufacturers Association represents National Associations and major companies engaged in the research, development, manufacture or distribution of In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) medical devices in Europe. Through its affiliated National Associations, EDMA represents in total more than 500 companies (or over 700 legal entities) across Europe. The mission of EDMA is to raise awareness of the importance, usefulness and added value that diagnostic information can provide to healthcare. For this purpose, EDMA cooperates with European institutions, patients groups, trade associations, health professionals and academia to support an appropriate regulatory system, to work towards a realistic economic environment for healthcare in Europe and to be an effective voice in globalisation.

For more information, please visit the EDMA website or contact Miriam Gargesi, EDMA Communications Manager (Tel. +32 2 777 02 79).


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