Magazín CZEDMA


CZEDMA je zájmové sdružení právnických osob s názvem Česká asociace výrobců a dodavatelů diagnostik in vitro a bylo založeno jako právnická osoba dle §20f občanského zákona v březnu 2001. Je zapsáno v registru zájmových sdružení právnických osob, vedeného u odboru vnitřních věcí Úřadu městské části Praha 6, pod č.reg. ZS 40/1/01 ze dne 9.5.2001.


Světový den rakoviny 2010

Press Release
04 February 2010

“Cancer can be prevented, too”
EDMA Observes World Cancer Day 2010

On the occasion of World Cancer Day 2010, EDMA, the European Diagnostic Manufacturers Association, highlights the important contribution of the IVD industry to easing the global burden of cancer.
Brussels, 4 February 2010 – For the 5th World Cancer Day, the World Health Organisation and the International Union Against Cancer have joined forces to raise awareness of cancer prevention, with the theme “Cancer can be prevented, too”.
With 3.2 million Europeans being diagnosed with cancer every year[1], cancer is high on the public health agenda. The disease caused 7.4 million deaths (around 13% of all deaths) in 2004[2], making it a leading cause of death worldwide. Fortunately, more than 30% of cancer deaths could potentially be prevented[3].
Correct and early diagnosis is the key to effective healthcare in the long term: numerous IVD technologies bring an essential contribution to prevention policies and disease management, which enable more widespread screening of the population, earlier and more accurate diagnosis of cancer or pre-cancer, as well as precise monitoring of prescribed treatments.
With three expert groups specifically working on cancer-related issues (the Cervical Cancer Task Force, the Colorectal Cancer Task Force, and the Prostate Cancer Task Force) EDMA has a proven and long-standing commitment to fighting the disease and promoting best practices.
The positive impact of early diagnosis is proven by the fact that cancer mortality rates are actually decreasing, even though cancer incidence is increasing[4]. IVD-based laboratory testing thereby helps ease patients’ suffering and improve their quality of life.


EDMA, the European Diagnostic Manufacturers Association represents National Associations and major companies engaged in the research, development, manufacture or distribution of In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) medical devices in Europe. Through its affiliated National Associations, EDMA represents in total more than 500 companies (or over 700 legal entities) across Europe. The mission of EDMA is to raise awareness of the importance, usefulness and added value that diagnostic information can provide to healthcare. EDMA cooperates with European institutions, patients groups, trade associations, health professionals and academia to support an appropriate regulatory system, to work towards a realistic economic environment for healthcare in Europe and to be an effective voice in globalisation.

For more information, please visit the EDMA website or contact Miriam Gargesi, EDMA Communications Manager (Tel. +32 2 777 02 79).

Place des Maïeurs 2 § B-1150 Brussels § +32 2 772 2225 tel  § +32 2 772 2329 fax §

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