Magazín CZEDMA


CZEDMA je zájmové sdružení právnických osob s názvem Česká asociace výrobců a dodavatelů diagnostik in vitro a bylo založeno jako právnická osoba dle §20f občanského zákona v březnu 2001. Je zapsáno v registru zájmových sdružení právnických osob, vedeného u odboru vnitřních věcí Úřadu městské části Praha 6, pod č.reg. ZS 40/1/01 ze dne 9.5.2001.


Laboratorní testy proti dopingu

Press Release
11 June 2010

World Cup 2010: Lab Tests Against Doping

As the World Cup kicks off in South Africa, EDMA, the European Diagnostic Manufacturers Association, emphasises the important contribution of In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) test systems to the fight against doping.

Brussels, 11 June 2010 – Despite the scandal around Argentinian footballer Diego Maradona, who tested positively for the stimulant ephedrine in 1994, the World Cup has so far experienced a relatively doping-free history[1]. Nonetheless, the use of performance-enhancing drugs is a major concern to Fédération Internationale De Football Association (FIFA), the organiser of this one-month mega tournament. 

At present, more than 100 substances – including steroids, stimulants, diuretics and narcotics – are banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). FIFA takes the fight against doping very seriously and is partnering with WADA to combat the abuse of prohibited substances through a number of initiatives. WADA President John Fahey praised the football association: "FIFA has an extensive anti-doping programme that is compliant with the World Anti-Doping Code."[2]

Therefore, during the World Cup, vigorous blood and urine testing will be carried out after every match until the final. Samples will be analysed at the South African Doping Control Laboratory at the University of the Free State in Bloemfontein, the official drug testing lab of the World Cup, where lab technicians will work around the clock to detect abuse of performance-enhancing drugs within 24 hours.

The fight against doping requires the constant investment in sophisticated IVD tests which are able to detect new methods aimed at stretching the limits of the athletes’ strength and endurance, such as gene doping. Through its commitment to research and development, the In Vitro Diagnostic industry thus works towards a vision of a doping-free culture in sport.

For further reading on laboratory testing, please visit Lab Tests Online (, a free online portal with patient-centred and easy-to-understand information coordinated by EDMA in Europe.

About EDMA:

EDMA, the European Diagnostic Manufacturers Association, represents national associations and major companies engaged in the research, development, manufacture or distribution of In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) tests in Europe. Through its membership, EDMA represents in total more than 500 companies (or over 700 legal entities) across Europe. The mission of EDMA is to raise awareness of the importance, usefulness and added value that diagnostic information can provide to healthcare. For this purpose, EDMA cooperates with European institutions, patients groups, trade associations, health professionals and academia to support an appropriate regulatory system, to work towards a realistic economic environment for healthcare in Europe and to be an effective voice in globalisation.

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