Magazín CZEDMA


CZEDMA je zájmové sdružení právnických osob s názvem Česká asociace výrobců a dodavatelů diagnostik in vitro a bylo založeno jako právnická osoba dle §20f občanského zákona v březnu 2001. Je zapsáno v registru zájmových sdružení právnických osob, vedeného u odboru vnitřních věcí Úřadu městské části Praha 6, pod č.reg. ZS 40/1/01 ze dne 9.5.2001.


EDMA jmenovala nového generálního ředitele

Press Release
17 March 2011

EDMA appoints new Director General

Brussels 17 March 2011EDMA, the European Diagnostic Manufacturers Association, is pleased to announce the appointment of Philippe Jacon as new Director General ad interim. He succeeds Christine Tarrajat in the highest management position of the in vitro diagnostics association.

Dr. Jürgen Schulze, EDMA President, commented on the occasion: “Christine has greatly supported EDMA during the past eight years by increasing the association’s membership base to 22 national associations and 42 leading IVD companies. I wish Christine all the best in her future endeavours.”

He further added that the association is today a strong voice of the IVD industry in Europe. “Globalisation is changing the role and positioning of EDMA within the global network of IVD associations. To that end, we must move EDMA to the next stage. I happily welcome Philippe Jacon as our new Director General ad interim. Thanks to his high-level network within the in vitro Diagnostics industry, both at the corporate and the association level, Philippe is in an excellent position to help EDMA strengthen its role”.

Philippe has been with BD for 22 years and has held several positions within the company, including President of BD Diagnostics - Diagnostic Systems. BD, a long-standing member of EDMA, is kindly supporting the association by making Philippe available for the position of Director General.

Philippe Jacon expressed true enthusiasm for his new role: “It is for me an immense pleasure to support EDMA. I am looking forward to working together with the EDMA team to promote the huge benefits the in vitro diagnostics industry brings to national healthcare systems. I can see huge potential for governments to manage their healthcare budgets through screening, diagnosing and providing information to select the most appropriate therapy - all of which will translate into healthier citizens”.

About EDMA:

EDMA, the European Diagnostic Manufacturers Association, represents national associations and major companies engaged in the research, development, manufacture or distribution of In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) tests in Europe. Through its membership, EDMA represents in total more than 500 companies (or over 700 legal entities) across Europe. The mission of EDMA is to raise awareness of the importance, usefulness and added value that diagnostic information can provide to healthcare. For this purpose, EDMA cooperates with European institutions, patients groups, trade associations, health professionals and academia to support an appropriate regulatory system, to work towards a realistic economic environment for healthcare in Europe and to be an effective voice in globalisation.

For more information, please visit the EDMA website or contact:
Daniele Dosi, EDMA Communications Officer (Tel. +32 2 777 02 78)

Place des Maïeurs 2 § B-1150 Brussels § +32 2 772 2225 tel  § +32 2 772 2329 fax §

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