Magazín CZEDMA


CZEDMA je zájmové sdružení právnických osob s názvem Česká asociace výrobců a dodavatelů diagnostik in vitro a bylo založeno jako právnická osoba dle §20f občanského zákona v březnu 2001. Je zapsáno v registru zájmových sdružení právnických osob, vedeného u odboru vnitřních věcí Úřadu městské části Praha 6, pod č.reg. ZS 40/1/01 ze dne 9.5.2001.


SEDMA - slovenská asociace, se stala členem EDMA

EDMA Welcomes SEDMA to the Membership

EDMA, the European Diagnostic Manufacturers Association welcomes the Slovak Association SEDMA, as new member. This brings the EDMA membership up to 23 National Associations and 37 major IVD companies.  
Established in March 2008, SEDMA represents the producers and suppliers of In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Devices in Slovakia. The association is committed to raising the position of IVDs in Slovakian healthcare, in line with the rest of the world by actively working with institutional actors and other relevant stakeholders.
SEDMA stresses the importance of laboratory diagnostics in preventive medicine and their cost-effectiveness for healthcare systems. Furthermore, the association hopes to actively participate in shaping the national and European IVD legislations.
SEDMA current membership is composed by Abbott, Biomedica, Immunotech, Roche, Siemens, Sysmex Slovakia, Medesa and Oxoid. Other companies interested in joining the Association, can contact the SEDMA Secretariat at
EDMA looks forward to a fruitful cooperation with SEDMA in order to promote In Vitro testing, prevention, early diagnosis and monitoring of treatments, access to innovation, and high quality healthcare.
EDMA encourages the formation of trade associations to represent the In Vitro Diagnostic industry across Europe, as well as their integration into the European organisation.
EDMA, the European Diagnostic Manufacturers Association represents National Associations and major companies engaged in the research, development, manufacture or distribution of In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) medical devices in Europe. Through its affiliated National Associations, EDMA represents in total more than 500 companies (or over 700 legal entities) across Europe. The mission of EDMA is to raise awareness of the importance, usefulness and added-value that diagnostic information can provide to healthcare. For this purpose, EDMA cooperates with European institutions, patients groups, trade associations, health professionals and academia to support an appropriate regulatory system, to work towards a realistic economic environment for healthcare in Europe and to be an effective voice in globalisation.
For more information, please visit EDMA website or contact:
Miriam Gargesi, EDMA Communications Manager (Tel. +32 2 777 02 79)

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archiv novinek

25. Valná hromada CZEDMA

25. Valná hromada CZEDMA se koná ve čtvrtek 21. března od 11.00 hod. ve firmě BioVendor LM a.s., Brno-Řečkovice, Karásek 1765/1. Podrobný program, včetně připravovaných materiálů, jsou postupně uveřejňovány v členské sekci.  ...

24. Valná hromada CZEDMA

24. Valná hromada CZEDMA se koná ve středu 22. března od 10.30 hod. nově v FABRIKA HOTEL, Humpolec, Školní 511. Podrobný program, včetně připravovaných materiálů, jsou postupně uveřejňovány v členské sekci....

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